When old cars go bad

Posted by Iphone blog Saturday, October 10, 2009 0 comments

Pure Insanity

Posted by Iphone blog Wednesday, October 7, 2009 0 comments

ALABAMA - Angels Among Us

Posted by Iphone blog Tuesday, October 6, 2009 0 comments

This is for a dear friend of mine who recently lost her only brother.I hope this show you that there is love,peace and joy around you and he is an angel watching over you.

I once was lost but now am found

Posted by Iphone blog Monday, October 5, 2009 0 comments

Do you have a kid out there you haven't been around for ? What about the guy doing the father figure role a job we as birth fathers should be doing. Every guy has a story on why he was not around for his kid or kids. After so many years has passed do you wish to be located and face the judgement before you about what happen , where were you ? Am I ready to face his judgement ? What can we say to help our kids understand why things happen the way they did. I'm facing that question now.
I was contacted By my son through my facebook page. He has my looks and full name and the kicker is he asked me about being married to his mom. He is 18 now but I last saw him when he was 2 years old when I was married to his mom.
For the first time in my life I'm feeling this fear of contact to meet him . What is there for me to say A lot of years has gone by and there are people In his life now who have raised him to this point of his jorney in life to growing up. what role for me do i have or his reason for knowing who i am .My feeling about this is no there is no chance for me to have any role in his life how can I . How can you have or earn a role as a father when you haven't been around for years ? look at all the things you missed but mainly not being there to talk with. Boys learn to become men from their father learning life lessons and rules. Now he has learned what there is from another man his step father and the love that was yours as a father is in the heart of the step father . A guy who has been around teaching , loving and showing himself to be the father that your kid or kids didn't have in their lives.
So ask yourself what is it worth to be contacted by a kid that never knew you . ?

-- Posted from my iPhone

Journey through life

Posted by Iphone blog 0 comments

With all the problems before man kind was it worth it

Posted by Iphone blog Sunday, October 4, 2009 1 comments